Wednesday 8 October 2008

a perfect day's night

so yesterday i had one of the best days of my life.

my band Bayonets got a delightful e-mail from a small record label called Walnut Tree Records. it's run by one guy in London and he apparentely has been listening to us non-stop for the last week or so. he's interested in releasing a record for us, and i am so incredibly happy about it.

i'm keeping my feet on the ground at the moment, as it's no certainty but just the prospect of making a real Bayonets CD and maybe getting it all paid for is unbelievably exciting. writing and making music in this band has become my life and i hope it can continue to be my life.

so anyway, that happened! and i was absolutely elated and jumping around the room.

then i went out, and celebrated immensely.. in a different venue to what i was planning on! but with the person i wanted to celebrate with.. and that's all i wanted : )

the evening was topped off by finding Jeff Buckley's 'Everybody Here Wants You' on the jukebox in the pub. it was a very strange moment, not only because it summed up exactly how i felt with a certain person at that moment.. but also because it's a super obscure song that happened to be on a jukebox! perfect :D

the evening ended with an amazing walk home. my knee was going mental cos i'd walked on it all night, but i didnt care.

it had been the best day ever.
and there were stars in the sky.

'we could swim with your hair, and possibly in your bed'


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