Sunday 19 October 2008

we wish these snakes were your aaaaarms..

it has been a damn good weekend!

i helped win a game of..


but i lost at a game of..


with a girl from..


then, my band received an offer from..


but in the end, i was beaten by..


i love everything.

'heeeeey, we take it on the chin when they say "we don't, we don't, we don't need anything from anyone!"'


Saturday 11 October 2008

good things come in twos..

college is fine.
band is FINE!
she is fiiine.

i keep waking up and laughing to myself about how awesome things are at the moment.
the future looks so unbelievably bright, and it feels like all my stars have aligned.. and it's sending me awesome things every day.

tomorrow's itinerary:

band practice from 10am. time for writing and making dreams come true.
nicholas stevenson show at 8pm. time for amazing music and maybe hugs and giggles with a dream come true.

'wake me up alone with the fever, walking in a straight line..'


Wednesday 8 October 2008

a perfect day's night

so yesterday i had one of the best days of my life.

my band Bayonets got a delightful e-mail from a small record label called Walnut Tree Records. it's run by one guy in London and he apparentely has been listening to us non-stop for the last week or so. he's interested in releasing a record for us, and i am so incredibly happy about it.

i'm keeping my feet on the ground at the moment, as it's no certainty but just the prospect of making a real Bayonets CD and maybe getting it all paid for is unbelievably exciting. writing and making music in this band has become my life and i hope it can continue to be my life.

so anyway, that happened! and i was absolutely elated and jumping around the room.

then i went out, and celebrated immensely.. in a different venue to what i was planning on! but with the person i wanted to celebrate with.. and that's all i wanted : )

the evening was topped off by finding Jeff Buckley's 'Everybody Here Wants You' on the jukebox in the pub. it was a very strange moment, not only because it summed up exactly how i felt with a certain person at that moment.. but also because it's a super obscure song that happened to be on a jukebox! perfect :D

the evening ended with an amazing walk home. my knee was going mental cos i'd walked on it all night, but i didnt care.

it had been the best day ever.
and there were stars in the sky.

'we could swim with your hair, and possibly in your bed'


Saturday 4 October 2008

we are adventurers, we are adventuring.

i have joined a hardcore band.
i am going to sing, and maybe do some other contributory musics.

this is something i've wanted to do for a very very very long time.
there's something about the power of bands like refused, gallows etc. that can't be matched.

fuck yeah.
i hope to do this on a regular basis:

'capitalism, capitalism stole my virginity'
the international noise conspiracy - capitalism stole my virginity

Friday 3 October 2008

old musics, new musics, let-downs and up-downs

so i decided that after like 4 weeks of being a cripple, im so bored of it. there are some fun sides to it but i miss little things like walking to college with my i-pod, walking home with friends through town and all the things you do when you're at college. having to rely on everyone for help totally takes away most of my independence, and i think i'm a very independent person.

i played at the Jailhouse the other night, it was an amazing night. it was my first ever solo-set, and i somehow enjoyed it far more than i'd imagined that i would. all my friends were there, some un-expected visitors too..which made it millions better. i wrote a lot of songs about the feelings i feel about certain people in my life, and when they're stood there in the audience.. it really is like taking a massive weight off my shoulders. they may not know what i'm singing is about them, but i feel happier to know that i've released them anyway. even though playing in front of strangers is amazing and a bigger challenge, playing at home infront of the people that inspire you is also so worth it.

i'd written a song a couple of days before which i really needed to get out, it was a song that i hadn't intended on writing at all. i picked up my guitar with the intention of practicing other songs, and literally came straight out in it's entirety without any thought or messing about. i didnt really understand where it'd come from, but as soon as it was finished i knew that there was no way i couldn't play it.

so anyway, that was all about me and boring for anyone reading.

the other bands playing were really cool too. i'd never heard this band Throats before, and their whole stage presence and sound was just completely powerful and commanding. loved it.

today i've been listening to lots of Sonic Youth. i bought their album 'Goo' years ago and barely listened to it. but i really like it now.

it's nice to chill on a friday night, but i'm worrying so much about the epic amounts of coursework i have to do. and due to band practice being cancelled, i havent got heaps to look forward to this weekend which blooows. but ah wells! i love college, and i love my subjects.. but i cba with loads of work. why can't they just give you qualifications for free? : (

'things have changed for me, and that's ok.. i feel ok.'
panic at the disco - that green gentleman
(yeah feck off, they're awesome!) :D
