Tuesday 30 September 2008

hello blog.

i've always wanted to do you. (lolerz)
but never really thought i could find the words to impress you.
but now i've got you, i hope to DO you lots in future.

my name is thom. i'm 18.
im the perfect aryan, part english, part dutch. i like to emphasise the fact that i'm part dutch, cos it sounds cooler. and holland is beautiful.

i write lots of music, i also try and put words to them. the music always comes first, and because i'm quite lazy.. the words usually 'arrive' in my head about 2 weeks later. thus, a song is formed. i'm not sure when or why my need to write songs started, i think it began in school. i was young, bored and depressed. and i thought writing shit nirvana rip-offs would cheer me up. it actually did, which was cool.

now my list of who i can rip-off has grown.. and my ability to write non-rip offs ie. songs and words that come from nowhere but the heart.. is also improving at leaps and bounds.

i write about all things/events in my life that are important to me. friends, fun, family.. and mostly girls. whatever that means. it keeps me sane, and i like being sane.

my life now is brilliant, i literally wake up everyday without a single worry apart from silly little things like college, whether a girl likes me or whether my songs are good. and even those worries are quite fun. and even when things do go a bit wrong, it's ok.. because i know that things will be fine. and besides, without the down-moments.. how would i appreciate the good ones?

also mr. blog.. i've decided that at the end of every blog from now on, i'm going to post a lyric which sums up my feelings.

so here's to my first blog. fun times.

'at every occassion, i'll be ready for the funeral'
band of horses - the funeral

blog off mayte x

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